Harper County BoCC Meeting: Road Concerns and Hiring a New Driver’s License Examiner

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In this article, we will discuss the details and key points from the Harper County Board of County Commissioners (BoCC) meeting that took place on February 21, 2022. The meeting focused on various topics, including road concerns and the hiring process for a new driver’s license examiner. We’ll provide a step-by-step breakdown of the discussion and highlight important details.

Road Concerns in Harper County

During the meeting, the commissioners addressed concerns about a specific road in Harper County. The road in question was Northeast 130 Road, located west of 15th Avenue. It was reported that the road had been dug out, causing inconvenience for some residents who couldn’t access their fields.

The commissioners discussed the road’s history and whether it was officially recognized as a road or not. They mentioned that there was no easement on record, but the county had claimed the road around 15 years ago. However, some commissioners recalled that the road had always been a dead end. Further investigation was needed to determine if the road was supposed to be open and accessible.

Commissioner Michael proposed looking into the issue and contacting Denzel and Kelly Jenkins, who were familiar with the road and may have valuable insights. The commissioners agreed to investigate the matter further and take appropriate action to resolve any access issues.

Hiring a New Driver’s License Examiner

Another significant topic discussed at the meeting was the process of hiring a new driver’s license examiner for Harper County. It was mentioned that the state was in the process of hiring a new examiner who would potentially be shared with another county, Kingdom County. The hiring process was expected to take some time, and there would also be a period of training before the new examiner could perform their duties independently.

Commissioner Michael provided an update on the hiring process and stated that the state had informed him that they were working on training the new examiner. He also discussed the potential schedule for the examiner’s presence at the Harper County office. According to information received from the Kingdom County treasurer, the examiner would be available at the Harper County office every Monday. On the other days of the week, the examiner would be assigned to Kingdom County due to higher traffic volumes.

The commissioners expressed their concerns about the delay in hiring the new examiner and discussed the possibility of the county taking on additional responsibilities for certain licenses, such as CDL or concealed carry permits. However, it was mentioned that additional training and authorization from the state would be required to handle these licenses. Currently, Commissioner Michael was the only one authorized to conduct certain license examinations.

The commissioners agreed to continue working with the state to streamline the hiring process and ensure that Harper County residents had access to essential driver’s license services.


In the Harper County BoCC meeting, the commissioners addressed various concerns, including road access and the hiring of a new driver’s license examiner. The discussion highlighted the need for further investigation into the status of Northeast 130 Road and the necessity to resolve any access issues for residents. Additionally, the commissioners discussed the state’s hiring process for a new examiner and the potential for Harper County to take on additional responsibilities for certain licenses. Overall, the meeting was focused on addressing the concerns of the community and ensuring the smooth operation of county services.

Keywords: Harper County BoCC Meeting, road concerns, hiring, driver’s license examiner, access issues, investigation, Northeast 130 Road, CDL, concealed carry permits, Harper County residents, community, county services.

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