How to Check Property Back Taxes and Tax Liens | Guide to Land Buying Due Diligence Checklist

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Are you in the process of buying land? One crucial question you must ask is, “How do I check the property back taxes and debts owed against it?” This question is vital because you don’t want to end up purchasing a property with hundreds or even thousands of back taxes or tax liens that you’ll be responsible for paying off as the new owner. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of checking property back taxes and debts owed, ensuring that you make an informed decision and avoid any unpleasant surprises in the future.

Before we dive into the details, make sure you have the necessary information from the first video, which showed you how to check the property owner for free. Once you have the county and parcel number recorded, you’re ready to begin the process.

Step 1: Find the Treasurer’s Page Online
Your first task is to locate the treasurer’s page online for the specific county where the property is located. Start by performing a Google search using the relevant keywords. For example, if the property is in Castilla County, search for “Castilla County treasurer search.” Look for the official county website or any relevant links that direct you to the treasurer’s page.

Step 2: Conduct an Online Search
Once you have found the treasurer’s page, navigate to their online search feature. Look for keywords such as “online parcel search” or “treasurer’s parcel search” on the page. This feature will allow you to access the property tax and debt information you’re looking for.

Step 3: Enter the Parcel Number and Search
Using the parcel number you obtained from the first video, enter it into the online search tool provided by the treasurer’s office. Click on the search button to retrieve the results.

Step 4: Review the Property Tax History
After searching for the parcel number, you will be presented with a result that includes the owner’s information. Take note if the owner matches the information from the previous video. Next, navigate to the property tax history section. Here, you will be able to see if the property is up to date on its taxes.

If there is a balance owing for unpaid taxes, it means that the property has back taxes. However, if the property tax history shows that it is up to date, you can proceed knowing that there are no outstanding tax liabilities up to the specified year.

Step 5: Verify Information by Contacting the Treasurer’s Office
Although online information can sometimes be outdated or confusing, it is always recommended to contact the treasurer’s office directly to double-check the property’s tax status. You can find the phone number on the treasurer’s page. Give them a call and inquire about any back taxes or tax liens owed against the property. This step is crucial to ensure that you have the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Utilize the resources provided by the county, as they are generally helpful and willing to assist with any inquiries regarding property and tax information. Remember, it’s completely free to contact them, so take advantage of these municipal resources.

If the county does not have an online database for the treasurer’s or assessors’ offices, you can always call them directly by finding their phone number online. It’s important to gather all the necessary information before proceeding with a land purchase.

By following these steps, you will be able to answer the second question in your land buying due diligence checklist: What are the property taxes and tax liens owed against the property? Stay tuned for the next video in our series, where we will guide you on how to quickly look up property zoning.

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