Pennsylvania Town Overcomes Political Divisions: A Journey Toward Unity

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In the small coal town of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, with a population of just 4,700 people, the effects of a divisive election have become evident. Once a stronghold of Democratic support, the town’s unity began to fracture as jobs disappeared and uncertainty loomed. As the 2020 election approached, the town found itself divided and uncertain of the future. This article explores the journey of Jim Thorpe and its residents as they strive to come together after a contentious election.

The Power of the Single-Issue Voter

Mike Cefranco, the town’s first Republican mayor, exemplifies the power of the single-issue voter. Cefranco’s allegiance lies with whoever shows dedication to helping his town. Having experienced the closure of coal mines and railroads, he understands that change is inevitable. Cefranco voted for Donald Trump in 2016, believing his policies would provide the freedom for individuals to make their own decisions. He acknowledges that the day after the election, regardless of the outcome, the impact on Jim Thorpe will be minimal. It is a reminder that both Republicans and Democrats should focus on serving the American people rather than getting caught up in partisan politics.

A Town Divided by Politics

Jim Thorpe was once a firmly Democratic town, with generations of residents consistently voting for Democrats. However, as jobs disappeared, the political unity began to crumble. In the 2016 election, the town was split down the middle, with Hillary Clinton winning by a mere 20 votes. The divide only intensified in the following years, leading to a highly polarized atmosphere in the lead up to the 2020 election.

Putting Family and Community First

For many residents, their voting decisions are based on what they believe will benefit their families and communities the most. Former military personnel, like one resident who served 21 years, prioritize the well-being of their families above all else. They understand that the outcome of the election will likely have minimal impact on their town, but they remain committed to supporting the candidate who will bring the most positive change to their immediate surroundings.

The Disconnect with Major Cities

It is essential to acknowledge the disconnect between small towns like Jim Thorpe and major urban centers. The concerns and issues faced by the residents of this small white-majority town differ greatly from those experienced in larger cities. While the major cities grapple with pressing national issues, Jim Thorpe remains relatively untouched by these challenges. Yet, the outcome of the election in towns like Jim Thorpe has significant implications for the entire nation.

Fear and Uncertainty in the Community

The fear and uncertainty leading up to the election are palpable in Jim Thorpe. Marge Lux, a resident who cast her mail-in ballot for Joe Biden, describes the current political climate as being on the verge of a civil war. The polarization and nationalism that have emerged are deeply concerning for Lux, who believes that helping each other and providing healthcare to all should not be labeled as socialism. She emphasizes that divisions based on self-interest are detrimental to society’s overall well-being.

The Weight of Election Results

The day after the election, the anticipation of the results is felt throughout the town. T.J. Garitano, a resident following the returns closely, recognizes that Joe Biden has a clear path to the White House. However, the uncertainty lies in whether or not President Trump will contest the results. The electoral process exists to ensure that every vote is counted, and Garitano places his trust in that system. He acknowledges that whatever the outcome, American democracy will prevail as Joe Biden is inaugurated as the next president.

Long Road to Unity

Despite Joe Biden’s victory, the journey toward unity in Jim Thorpe is far from over. The community recognizes that division persists, with half of the country supporting Trump and the other half backing Biden. It will take time for the nation to heal and come together. However, the scene at a local high school football game reflects the true spirit of America. Democrats and Republicans cheer side by side, united in their support for their children and their community. In small towns like Jim Thorpe, people understand the power of unity, even when politics threaten to divide.


Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, stands as a microcosm of the larger political landscape of the United States. The town’s journey toward unity after a divisive election showcases the resilience and determination of its residents. Through the power of community and shared values, Jim Thorpe offers a lesson to the rest of the country. Regardless of political affiliations, the importance of coming together for the well-being of the American people remains paramount. While the nation may continue to experience divisions, the spirit of unity found in towns like Jim Thorpe serves as a reminder of the fundamental values that hold the country together.

[SEO Keywords: Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania, divisive election, small town politics, political unity, single-issue voter, community, division, unity, American democracy, Joe Biden, President Trump, partisan politics, major cities, fear, uncertainty, self-interest, electoral process, American values, resilience, determination]

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