Webinar: Increase Warehouse Productivity with Outbound Warehouse Request

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Welcome to today’s Lunch and Learn webinar on how to increase warehouse productivity with outbound warehouse requests. This webinar is brought to you by ArcherPoint Inc and Lanham Associates. Managing a warehouse or being a system administrator comes with its own set of challenges, including balancing multiple priorities and tasks. In this webinar, we will explore Lanham Associates’ outbound warehouse request (OWR) application and its unique capabilities for planning and executing warehouse activities. Join us as we discuss the benefits of using Lanham OWR and how it can improve your warehouse operations.

Introduction to Lanham OWR

Lanham Associates has been a leader in supply chain execution solutions for Dynamics NAV advanced warehouse configurations for over 20 years. While OWR has been the gold standard for planning and executing warehouse activities, it has now been expanded to support even basic warehouse configurations and can be installed as a standalone module independent of Lanham Ace Warehousing. In this webinar, we will specifically focus on the benefits of Lanham OWR and how it can increase your outbound warehouse productivity.

Meet the Speaker

Before we dive into the details, let’s introduce our speaker for today’s webinar. Jim Augustine, the channel manager at Lanham Associates, has over 8 years of experience in the field and has helped numerous companies improve their warehousing, supply chain, and logistics operations. Jim’s expertise and insights will provide valuable information on how to optimize your warehouse productivity using Lanham OWR.

Understanding Outbound Warehouse Request (OWR)

Outbound Warehouse Request (OWR) is a centralized application designed to manage the outbound order process. Whether you have sales orders, outbound transfers, or return to vendor items, OWR provides a centralized view of all the outbound activities in your warehouse. With OWR, you can easily view and drill down into each order, making it a powerful tool for warehouse managers.

Key Features of Lanham OWR

While we can’t cover all the nuances of OWR in one hour, we will focus on the features that can have the most productivity gains for most customers. Here are some of the key features we will discuss:

  1. Filtering Orders: OWR allows you to filter orders based on various criteria such as priority customers, EDI orders, priority shipping, and LTL orders. This helps prioritize your warehouse activities and focus on the most important orders.

  2. Advanced Warehousing Zones: Advanced warehousing allows you to create zones within your warehouse with specific properties. With OWR, you can pick orders based on zone areas, ensuring efficient picking and replenishment of inventory.

  3. Inventory Status: OWR provides detailed information about inventory status, including the ability to determine if inventory is pickable or in quality control. This ensures accurate picking and prevents delays caused by non-pickable inventory.

  4. Order Prioritization: OWR allows you to prioritize orders based on customer requests. This is especially useful when you have scarce inventory or specific priority customers that need to be serviced first.

Increasing Productivity with Lanham OWR

By utilizing the unique capabilities of Lanham OWR, you can significantly increase your outbound warehouse productivity. Here’s a step-by-step process to maximize productivity using OWR:

  1. Start the Week Right: At the beginning of each week, use OWR to filter orders and prioritize based on criteria such as priority customers or urgency. This helps you plan your warehouse activities more efficiently.

  2. Utilize Advanced Warehousing Zones: If you have implemented advanced warehousing, take advantage of the zone feature in OWR. This allows you to allocate picking areas and optimize picking routes, reducing time spent in the warehouse.

  3. Optimize Inventory Management: With OWR’s inventory status feature, you can accurately track pickable inventory and ensure that orders are not delayed due to non-pickable inventory. This helps maintain a smooth workflow in the warehouse.

  4. Prioritize Orders: By utilizing order prioritization in OWR, you can ensure that priority customers are serviced first. This helps maintain customer satisfaction and improves overall productivity.


In conclusion, increasing warehouse productivity is a key goal for any warehouse manager or system administrator. Lanham OWR offers unique capabilities that can help you achieve this goal. By utilizing features such as filtering orders, advanced warehousing zones, inventory status, and order prioritization, you can optimize your warehouse activities and improve overall productivity. To learn more about Lanham OWR and its benefits, be sure to attend our upcoming supply chain intensive summit. Register now for this free event and take your warehouse productivity to the next level.

Remember, ArcherPoint Inc and Lanham Associates are here to support you in improving your warehouse operations. Contact us today to learn how we can assist you in implementing Lanham OWR and maximizing your outbound warehouse productivity.


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